
A similar flow to the welcome one, but the difference is that every subscriber who placed an order enters this flow - no matter how many times in the past.

If you set up this flow, you can expect more loyal customers, as they will feel appreciated by you (if your emails are sent regularly of course). But don’t send them emails after they purchase something just to try to make them buy again. Consider sending content-related or educational emails so they will see you truly care about them.

Subscribers exit this flow when they make a purchase.

Furthermore, a review request email is a great idea for targeting new customers as when existing customers give a review, potential customers will more likely decide for you when reading all the reviews.

2 weeks after customers place an order, send them that email where you thank them for their order and politely ask them for a favor - a review.

Giving a review should be effortless for readers, so make sure you entice them to only one review place (Google review, your website, etc.). Here you don’t have to set exit conditions (but if your tool requires it, use “message sent” or “clicked on message”). Also, consider sending a follow-up review request email.