A birthday occasion is a great automation email flow if you want to charm subscribers with personalization.
The most optimal way to gather subscribers' birthday dates is to add an additional date field where they can optionally input their birthday data or send a separate email asking them for their birthdate.
When creating a birthday email, don’t forget to include the birthday man’s or woman’s name. Other elements should be similar to your usual promotional email, including what you want to offer to the subscriber (a good practice is a promo code, but you can include other offers too).
It’s quite likely that customers will open this email (especially if you write a catchy subject line) and actually convert. In the long term, this automation improves your customer data utilization and strengthens customer relationships.
To avoid being annoying, let this be the only email in this flow (and the only one on that day). Consider sending an SMS to wish your subscriber happy birthday in an even more personalized way. Also, don’t forget to set up the sending time (not before 9 am).