Call-to-action buttons are almost obligatory if you want to achieve your email marketing objectives. Keep CTA text short, simple, and clearly written. It’s important to use appropriate sizes and colors. When creating text for CTA, be creative (instead of “submit” try “unlock my coupon”).
A/B test which type of CTA text works better for your target audience. The first type is 1st person CTA (e.g. “claim my discount”) and the second type is 2nd person CTA (e.g. “claim your discount”).
In most cases, your email will need only one single CTA. If you’re sending a long-form sales letter, you can use 2 identical CTA buttons in the same email, but mostly, one CTA is the most optimal for not confusing the reader. However, we don’t recommend sending emails with 3 CTAs leading to 3 different landing pages (if it’s not necessary).
Ensure that hyperlinks lead the reader to the right place. Avoid using more than one single CTA, as having multiple can confuse the reader. Remember that your hyperlink is a promise - if your landing page shows something completely different, subscribers will feel cheated.
Before sending an email, click on every single element that contains any type of hyperlink - just to make sure everything works. When recipients click on the hyperlink text and the link isn’t valid, this could be a big turnoff for them.