Placing a banner in an email can be a significant factor contributing to a sale. It’s important that every piece of written content on the banner adds value. Just like the pictures, it’s recommended that banners are in PNG format and not too large.

Visual Banners

Banners that are also known as visual headers are images placed on the top of an email. They introduce the message and help the reader remember the email better. They can consist of different elements;  the most common ones include short text that summarizes the message and the company’s logo.

When these banners are well-designed, they can significantly increase CTRs (click-through rates) by making offers easier to understand. These banners must be optimized for various devices and operating systems.

Footer Banners

The second type of banner is usually placed at the bottom of an email. They can consist of hyperlinks to social media profiles, a CTA, or simply basic contact information of the company. They play a crucial role in maintaining legal compliance (especially GDPR) by providing recipients with a clear way to manage their subscription preferences.

Well-designed footer banners can reinforce brand identity, and offer quick navigation to key places (e. g. website, and social media). When crafting these banners, it’s important to have a balance between providing necessary information and a clean design that aligns with the main email content.

Banners that capture the reader’s attention are, in a vast majority, minimalist, designed with your brand’s colors and KISS principles in mind. It’s optimal to use sharp images that are eye-catching but still not too heavy on text.